Just before I escaped to soak up the visual beauty of the northern Italian lakes and mountains, I took time out to shoot down to Pimlico ! What's in Pimlico ? Amongst other things ,the studios of Premier Radio. I was there by invitation to talk to Maria Toth, presenter of their daily women's programme WOMAN TO WOMAN about my book ENJOYING LATER LIFE. It was a good experience. You can see the twinkle in her eyes here, and she was able to chat to me, check any emails coming in on the subject of the morning - being older- and make it so entertaining ! Maria certainly has my admiration.
Yes, and the book is on Amazon both paperback and kindle, and you can also get it from the publishers, onwardsand upwards.org
I haven't any oil paintings to show you just now. On holiday I did pen and ink sketches of villas and palm trees, and turtles sun-bathing, but nothing really to show.