Half way up the stairs is the stair where I sit.
There isn't any other stair quite like it.
I'm not at the bottom. I'm not at the top........."
I was helping with a local school assembly the other day. We showed a video of Robin singing this song. We asked the 180 year 8's why Robin didn't want to go up a step. Was he too comfortable just being in the middle or was he unsure what it would be like at the top ?
Apply that to belief in God ! What step are these teenagers on ? On the bottom step, not bothered whether God was real on not, or on the next step, occasionally wondering about God ? Maybe some were higher up, really interested but noy quite there.
I volunteer in the school through STEP, St.Albans Educational Project, an organisation offering to go into schools are share what the Christian faith means in a relevant fashion.
We would never tell teenagers what they had to believe. We'd give options, and and sometimes a challenge.
Moving a step up is sometimes a big challenge.
My own challenges are promoting my new book, Enjoying Later Life, and what I thought would be a new challenge, my new piece of garden equipment, a cordless hedge cutter, but its brilliant ! No more hours of shears for me!