Friday, March 30, 2012

The Sound of Music and Nerves !

Hi there,
The exciting news is that my book ENJOYING LATER LIFE, has now gone to print You can look it up on the or on Amazon and pre-order if you like.

However, life has other challenges. From April 30th to May 5th the ST.ALBANS OPERATIC SOCIETY is presenting THE SOUND OF MUSIC in the Alban Arena, and I have a cameo part - the brusque housekeeper to the Von Trapp family, Frau Schmidt.

We are now into rehearsal in a big way. However, to my shame, although I had spent hours learning my few lines at home, first time in front of everybody I went blank several times. My only comfort is that even professional actors and singers have nerves.

Take BOBBIE CHATT, for instance. We are privileged to have Bobbie singing all the evening performances of Maria in the show. Bobbie is a former professional actress, even singing in the national tour of Les Mis. ( see the photo above ). She is also a West end agent, artistic director of 'Brilliant Productions' and principal of Moonglow Dance Studios in Watford.

And, she whispers to me, she also suffers with nerves !

If you tune in to Radio Verulam, our local community radio station for West Herts, on 92.6FM or on line at on Easter Sunday, you will be able to hear all about her and her music. Bobbie is my guest on
TRACKS OF YOUR LIFE from 10 to 12 April 8th, EASTER SUNDAY.

That's enough of my doings for now. I must just say that I am delighted that all my 12 piano exam candidates got either merits or distinctions. I am happy.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A book cover to hit you in the eye!

Hi there,
It's all moving along so fast. The text is approved. The cover is here . Do you like it ? We're thinking publication dates now. You can pre-order my book from
What with all this excitement, and my spring garden just bursting with primulas, cowslips,grape hyacinths,tulips, and early rhubarb rising up, life is good !

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Washing Lines and Rehearsals

Here's a few brief notes on what has filled my last few days.
WASHING LINES - Used in a school assembly to show our time line and God's time line and when the two touch !

MANGE TOUT PEAS SEEDLINGS planted out in the sun and bubble-wrapped by night.

SOUND OF MUSIC REHEARALS at that stage where you need to put the book down and your mind goes blank.

ENJOYING LATER LIFE my book. Would love to give talks about it. Any offers ?

FAITH ALIVE my Christian programme on ~Radio Verulam 92.6fm or

THE REVIEW local St.Albans paper. Have just written a "Public Pulpit in it for next week.

Now I need to take a break !

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hurrah ! I've sold a painting

Hurrah ! I've sold a painting.
Yes, he LIKED it and BOUGHT it !
What's it called ? Well my piano pupils have suggested all sorts of names for it depending on which way up you view it. We've had 'fire in the cornfields', 'New York', and 'city on fire'.

I've also just seen the latest design for the cover of my new book
ENJOYING LATER LIFE to be published in May by O & U Publishers at £7.99
I'm really pleased with this design. It shows a cartoon of a 'mature' lady on a unicycle against a really glowing red and orange background.
When it's finalised, I'll be showing you.
More in a few days,

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time Line for Townsend

Hi, I'm hanging in here waiting for the next suggested cover design for my book

but life doesn't stand stilll, and today I've been having fun with a washing line practising a
TIME LINE for a Year 8 Assembly in Townsend School next week. We are born, go to school, get a job ( hopefully) possibly get a partner, maybe have children, who eventually fly the nest,and then maybe our other half dies, and then our own body wears out. Is death the end ? That's a subject I'm exploring in school, and also in my book. As I emphasise there, I believe that this life cannot be compared with what's to come afterwards !

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Great Cover Debate

As you see from my painting commissioned by a lady for her kitchen, I just love colour, especially warm reds, brilliant oranges and golden yellows. so you can imagine the debate I'm having with my publishers just now about the cover of my book ENJOYING LATER LIFE, coming out in May (
I really am having a creative few years so I don't want pastels, lavender and a delicate "old maid" look to this cover, as it represent me, now. So I look forward to continuing this great cover debate with my publishers. ( Very amicably, I can assure you)
The look of the cover is the first thing potential readers will see. Actually one of my chapters is called "what you see influences you " and I'm thinking about drab versus bright surrounds ,and I'm thinking about what we choose to see on the big or small screen. Sight is a strong medium for the memory. I personally only want to have stuff in there that is wholesome and honouring to the God I believe in.
Talking of God, I have another creative job just now. I'm producing a radio drama - passion play of scenes from the life of Christ leading up to his death and resurrection. Just this afternoon I've had a group of Harpenden actors stuffed into my small studio. The final result will be on Radio Verulam 92.6 or on the website, on Good Friday morning at 9.00am and the actual stage version will progress through the streets of Harpenden on Saturday 7th April. Radical stuff !
More in a few days

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Crescendo not diminuendo

Help, I'm snatching time from my Radio Verulam broadcasting to check the proofs of my book ! ENJOYING LATER LIFE ....................................I've got Faith Alive to prepare for Sunday afternoon and Tracks of your Life for Sunday morning...............(
Then there's twelve of my piano pupils taking exams in about two weeks time, and who's fault is it if they are not prepared in time. ?............
I think I need a few more diminuendos in my life to calm down a bit. Which actually brings me back to my book. Secular authors bemoan the decline and fall into extreme old age and death - a diminuendo. However, I believe those of us who are followers of Jesus are on a crescendo into an amazing existence to which this life on earth is just the prologue ! Yippee ! So if you disagree do enter the debate !

Elspeth Jackman